Monday, June 05, 2017


(這篇文章是從 Blog.Yam 移過來這裡)。

推理小說裡最難寫好的恐怕是密室推理。 好的密室推理就有如一場賞心悦目的魔術秀, 觀眾明明知道這不是真的, 但偏偏看起來就有如真的一般!
雖然有不少作家去寫密室推理小說, 但奇怪的是市面上的密室推理短篇合輯不多, 大概只有五六本而已!

在我開始買這些書來看時, 遇到了一個相當頭痛的問題! 要知道這種書通常只能上網買, 如果的介紹的不詳細的話, 那我們無法知道裡面到底收集了甚麼故事, 有沒有跟另外一本重覆? 通常這種書大多數已經絶版了, 如果你有幸找到的話, 價錢也會很貴。 總不成你花大筆金錢之後, 才發現很多故事你已經看過了?

所以在下面我會詳細的介紹我所能找的密室推理短篇, 告訴你裡面有甚麼故事和價錢等。(註: 價錢是指我買的價錢)

1.  The Mammoth Book of Locked-Rooms
2.  Mammoth Book Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries
3.  Locked Room Puzzle
4.  Death Locked in
5.  Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries
6.  Murder Impossible
7.  All But Impossible!
8.  The Locked Room Reader
9.  Locked Room and Open Spaces
10. 密室推理傑作選
11. 密室推理傑作選-日本卷 1 & 2
12. 密室 - 最推理雜誌
13. The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room
14. Miraculous Mysteries
15. The Realm of Impossible

# of stories : 27
Edited by : Mike Ashley
Pages: 532
Price : RM40.9
Published : 2000/03

這本書在市面還能找得到, 價錢應該是馬幣四十至五十左右,編輯者為 Mike Ashley , 現在更有 kindle 版, 才六塊美金一本。
此君向來的選集一向來水準都很高, 他的選集有一個特色, 通常在每一個故事前, 他都會大約介紹一些作者。
我個人相當推薦這本書 , 在書後, Mike Ashley 寫了一篇關於不可能犯罪的歷史, 他更準備了一份書單, 實在吸引人! 而且這選集並不只是收錄舊的作品, 他更邀現代的推理作家為此選集寫新的故事。

台灣有翻譯這本書, 分為兩本書出版,書名《密室.墓園.死亡電梯》(一個相當爛的譯名!!)。

幾年後, Mike Ashley 更出了一本續集, 那就是下面所要介紹的 Mammoth Book Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries。 下面列出了此書所收錄的短篇, 雙星者為別的書也有收錄!

Martin Edwards - Waiting for Godstow
Kate Ellis - The Odour of Sanctity
Margaret Frazer -  A Traveller's Tale
John Dickson Carr - The Silver Curtain
Michael Kurland  - The Stolen Saint Simon
Edward D. Hoch - The Problem of the Crowded Cemetry
Lois H. Gresh & Robert Weinberg - Death Rides the Elevator
Lynne Wood Block & Lawrence Block The Burglar Who Smelled Smoke
Michael Collins - No Way Out
Clayton Rawson - Off The Face of the Earth ** (也收錄於 Death Locked in)
Amy Myers Murder - Strips Off
Thomas Bailey Alrdich - Out of His Head ** (也收錄於 Death Locked in)
Melville Davisson Post - The Doomdorf Mystery ** (也收錄於 The Locked Room Reader)
C.N. & A.M. Williamson - The Adventure of Jacobean House
Jacques Futrelle - The Motor Boat
Peter Tremayne - Murder in the Air
Bill Pronzini - The Pulp Connection
Marilyn Todd - Stag Night
William Brittain - Mr. Stang Accepts a Challenge
H.R.F. Keating - The Legs That Walked
Peter T. Garratt - The Next Big Thing
Richard A. Lupoff - The Scond Drug
Susanna Gregory - Ice Elation
Howel Evans - The Mystery of Taxi-Cab
Frank M. Robinson - Heart Stopper
Edward Martson - Blind Eyes
Peter Lovesey - The Armorous Corpse

# of stories : 29
Edited by : Mike Ashley
Pages: 530
Price : $14.95
Published : 2006

這本書相當新, 二零零七年出版, 市面上還能找得到, 但沒有中譯本, 價錢大概為五十元左右。同樣的, 也是有 Kindle 版, 大概美金五元!
下面列出了此書所收錄的短篇, 雙星者為別的書也有收錄!

 William F. Smith An Almost Perfect Crime
 Joseph Commings The X Street Murders ** (也收錄於 Death Locked in)
 Mary Reed & Eric Mayer Locked in Death
 Gillian Linscott Wingless Pegasus
 Vincent Cornier Duel of Shadows
 Peter Crowther The 45 Steps
 Douglas Newton Contrary to Evidence
 William Brittain The Impossible Footprint
 Laird Long Three Blind Rats
 John Basye Price Death and the Rope Trick ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選)
 Edward D. Hoch The Problem of Black Cloister
 Edward D. Hoch The Shower of Daggers
 Robert Randisi The Hook
 Max Rittenberg The Mystery of the Sevenoaks
 William Le Queux The Red Ring
 Will Murray Obseravable Justice
 J. A. Konrath On the Rocks
 H. Edward Hunsburger Eternally Yours
 Lois Gresh & Robert Weinberg Murder in Monkeyland
 Arthur Porges No Killer Has Wings
 Richard A. Lupoff Benning's School for Boys
 C. Daly King The Episode of the Nail and the Renquiem
 William Krohn The Impossible Murder of Dr Satanus ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選)
 Peter Tremayne The Stuart Sapphire
 Peter Godfrey The Flung-Back Lid
 Forrest Rosaire The Poisoned Bowl
 Bill Pronzini Proof of Guilt
 Barry Longyear Slaugtherhouse ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選)
 Bernard Knight The Birdman of Tonypandy

Locked Room Puzzle

# of stories : 4
Edited by : Martin Greenberg & Bill Pronzini
Pages: 228
Price : RM30.8
Published : 1986

這一本所收集只有四個故事,但全是中篇! 雖然己經絶版了, 但應該不太難找。

 John Dickson Carr The Third Bullet
 Bill Pronzini Booktaker
 Clayton Rawson From Another World ** (也收錄於 All But Impossible!)
 Edward D. Hoch Day of the Wizard

# of stories : 24
Edited by : Douglas Greene and Robert Adey
Pages: 553
Price : RM28
Published : 1987

這本是重量級的選集, 原因是兩位編輯是大有名氣的人。 Douglas Greene 是 John Dickson Carr 傳記的作者, Robert Adey 是所謂的密室專家, 他所編的那本 Locked Room Murders 被譽為不可能犯罪小說的聖經, 擁有齊所有不可能犯罪小說的資料, 從世界上的第一部推理小說開始到一九七一年為止。

 Lilian De La Torre The First Locked Room ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選)
 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu Passage in the Secret History of an Irish Countess
 Ngaio Marsh I Can Find My Way Out
 L. Frank Baum The Suicide of Kiaros
 Fredric Brown The Spherical Ghoul
 Thomas Bailey Aldrich Out of His Head ** (也收錄於 The Mammoth Book of Locked-Rooms)
 M. McDonnell Bodkin Murder by Proxy
 Peter Godfrey Out of This World
 M.M.B. The Mystery of Hotel de L'Orme
 Edward D. Hoch The Magic Bullet
 Wilkie Collins A Terribly Strange Bed
 Cornell Woolrich The Room with Something Wrong
 John Dickson Carr Invisible Hands
 Joseph Commings The X Street Murders ** (也收錄於 Mammoth Book Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries)
 Nicholas Carter The Mystery of Room No. 11
 L. T. Meade & Robert Eustace The Man Who Disappeared
 G. K. Chesterton The Invisible Man
 Ellery Queen The Adventure of the Man Who Could Double the Size of Diamonds
 Arthur Conan Doyle The Mystery of the Lost Special
 Clayton Rawson Off the Face of the Earth ** (也收錄於 The Mammoth Book of Locked-Rooms)
 May Futrelle The Grinning God
 Jacques Futrelle The House That Was
 Bill Pronzini Thin Air
 Anthony Boucher Elsewhen 

# of stories : 12
Edited by : Issac Isimov, Charles Waugh & Martin Greenberg
Pages: 303
Price : RM16
Published : 1982

這一本是由機器人之父, 以撒阿西莫夫 (Issac Asimov)的選集! 很多人知道他是專門寫科學小說, 但其實他也是一名推理狂, 曾出版了幾本推小說。 這本應該不難找, 我買時的價錢是馬幣十六元!

 Edgar Alan Poe The Murders in the Rue Morgue
 Arthur Conan Doyle The Adventure of the Speckled Band
 Jacques Futrelle The Problem of Cell 13
 MacKinlay Kantor The Light at Three o'clock
 Cornell Woolrich Murder at the Automat
 Erle Stanley Gardner The Exact Opposite
 Barry Perowne The Blind Spot ** (也收錄於 Murder Impossible)
 Robert Arthur The 51st Sealed Room
 William March The Bird House
 Jack Wodhams Big Time Operator
 Edward D. Hoch The Leopard Locked Room
 Bill Pronzini & Michael Kurland Vanishing Act 

# of stories : 21
Edited by : Jack Adrian & Robert Adey
Pages: 306
Price : RM30
Published : 1990

這本再度由 Robert Adey 和 另一位叫著 Jack Adrian 的人主編!我沒聽過 Jack Adrian 這個人, 不清楚他是誰! 這一本特别的地方是在於他收錄了兩篇很少見到的短篇, 那就是 HakeTalbot 的The Other Side 和 Joel Townsley Rogers 的 The Hanging Rope 。 我買這本是馬幣三十元, 現在應該是很難找!

 John Dickson Carr The House in Goblin Wood
 Hake Talbot The Other Side
 Vincent Cornier The Courtyard of the Fly
 Arthur Porges Coffee Break
 W. Hope Hodgson Bullion!
 Bill Pronzini Proof of Guilt
 Jacques Futrelle An Absence of Air
 John F. Suter The Impossible Theft ** (也收錄於 All But Impossible!) ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選)
 John Lutz It's a Dog's Life
 Sax Romer The Death of Cyrus Pettigrew
 Joseph Commings Ghost in the Gallery
 Edgar Wallace The Missing Romney
 Gerald Findler The House of Screams
 Edward D. Hoch The Impossible Murder
 George Locke A Nineteenth Centiry Debacle
 John Dickson Carr A Razor in Fleet Street
 Leonard Pruyn Dinner at Garibaldi's
 Joel Townsley Rogers The Hanging Rope
 Jeffrey Wallmann Now You See Her
 Barry Perowne The Blind Spot
 Alex Atkinson Chapter The Last: Merriman Explains 

# of stories : 20
Edited by : Edward D. Hoch
Pages: 359
Price : RM19
Published : 1981

這一本由短篇之王, Edward D. Hock 親自操刀主選的短篇集。 這本最特別的地方是他力邀一班推理小說家和評論專家攪了一個最佳不可能犯罪小說的投票, 結果就收錄書前的介紹裡。這本在網上會比較難找, 我買的價錢不貴, 但可能是我所有的書最珍貴的一本! 書寄到我的手時, 很意外的我發覺裡面竟然有兩個著名作家的簽名 : Edward D. Hoch 和 William Britian.

所有的簽名都是給一個叫著 Mary 的女性。 我不知道這位 Mary 是誰, 但她能同時拿到兩位的簽名, 真的是異常珍貴!
Mary 這個名字一直令我聯想到 Mary Jane, 突然想到一句形容她的話 : 密室姑娘假珍經 (←←←完全是一句毫無意思的癈話)
 John Dickson Carr The Shadow of the Goat
 Georges Simenon The Little House at Croix-Rouse
 James Yaffe The Problem of the Emperor's Mushroom ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選)
 Clayton Rawson From Another World
 Helen McCloy Through a Glass, Darkly
 Ellery Queen The Snowball in July
 Peter Godfrey The Newtonian Egg
 Lilian De La Torre The Triple-Lock'd Room
 Issac Asimov The Brazan Lokced Room
 Poul Anderson The Martian Crown Jewels
 Hugh Pentecost The Day the Children Vanished
 Julian Symons As If By Magic
 John f. Suter The Impossible Theft ** (也收錄於 Murder Impossible) ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選)
 William Brittain Mr. Strang Takes a Filed Trip
 Micheal Collins No One Likes to Be Played for a Sucker
 Bill Pronzini The Arrowmont Prison Riddle
 Jack Ritchie Box in a Box
 John L. Breen The Number 12 Jinx
 J. F. Pierce The Magician's Wife
 Edward D. Hoch The Problem of the Covered Bridge

# of stories : 16
Edited by : Han S. Santesson
Pages: 464
Price : RM22.8
Published : 1968

Hans S. Santesson 是一個很陌生的名字, 只知道他好像是一位瑞典的推理論家! 這本在網上應該還可以找得到, 價錢也應該不會太貴, 我買時是馬幣二十二元!

 John Dickson Carr The Locked Room
 Ellery Queen The Dauphin's Doll
 Clayton Rawson Nothing is Impossible
 Craig Rice His Heart Could Break
 G. K. Chesterton The Oracle of the Dog
 Morris Hershman When a Fellon Needs a Friend
 Melville Davisson Post The Doomdorf Mystery ** (也收錄於 The Mammoth Book of Locked-Rooms)
 Israel Zangwill The Big Bow Mystery
 William Brittain The Man Who Read John Dickson Carr
 Edward D. Hoch The Long Way Down ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選) 
 Miriam Allen deFord Time Trammel
 Lawrence G. Blochman Reprieve
 Anthony Boucher The Smoked Filled Locked Room
 Joseph Commings Bones for Davy Jones ** (也收錄於密室推理傑作選)
 Thomas Flanagan The Fine Italian Hand
 Henry Kane The Narrowing Lust

# of stories : 16
Edited by : Bertil Falk
Pages: 156
Price : RM60
Published : 2007

這一本收錄了由瑞典作家所寫的不可能犯罪, 相當罕見。

August Blanche Lars Blom and His Disappearing gun
Ernst Lindblom "The Murder of ""Swedish Annie"""
Julius Regis The Invisible Sword
Harald Wagner The Speckled Cat
Frank Haller The Murder on Promenade du Midi
Karl-Erik Öström Sixten Hård Pulls Off a Scoop
Åke Janson The Burglary at Hotel Esplanade
Sture Samuelson Salute for the Dead
Arne Wingendfeldt The Closed Room
Gustaf Falk Murder in a Tightly Shut Room
Jan Ekström Reg. No. 94028.72 Murder
Jan Eric Arvastson Death in the Ballon
Johan Wopenka "The Man Who Read ""The Man Who Read John Dickson Carr"""
Lars Jannedal The Locked Room
Björn Karlin The Curse of Royal Palace
Ahrvid Engholm Clues


# of stories : 14
Edited by : 謎斗篷
Pages: 253
Price : RM12.5
Published : 2011

中國也有一本譯自英文的密室推理, 這本收集了一篇非常罕見的 The Unpleasantness at the Stooges Club。 

Lilian La Torre -  The First Locked Room ** (也收錄於 Death Locked in)
James Yaffe The Problem of the Emperor’s Mushroom  ** (也收錄於 All But Impossible!)
Barry Longyear Slaugtherhouse   ** (也收錄於 Mammoth Book Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries)
Joseph Commings Bones for Davy Jones ** (也收錄於 The Locked Room Reader)
John Sladek -  By the Unknown Hand
William Krohn The Impossible Murder of Dr. Satanus  ** (也收錄於 Mammoth Book Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries)
Hake Talbot The High House
John Basy Price Death and the Rope Trick ** (也收錄於 Mammoth Book Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries)
Edward D Hoch The Long Way Down ** (也收錄於 The Locked Room Reader)
John F. Suter  -The Impossible Theft ** (也收錄於 All But Impossible!)  (也收錄於 Murder Impossible!)
Robert Arthur  The Glass Bridge
Wolfgang Heidenfeld  The Unpleasantness at the Stooges Club
Stephen Barr  The Locked Room to end the Locked Room

Barry Perowne The Blind Spot ** (也收錄於 Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries)

密室推理傑作選-日本卷 1 & 2 

中國的謎斗篷出版了兩本日系密室推理, 收錄了好幾個罕見的故事。 
卷 1 :

# of stories : 6
Edited by : 謎斗篷
Pages: 184
Price : RM40-50
Published : 2014

横井司 - 日本密室推理导论 
高木彬光 -妖妇之宿
天城一 - 朽木教授的幽灵
津島誠司 - 从宇宙来的物体X

卷 2 :

# of stories : 6
Edited by : 謎斗篷
Pages: 183
Price : RM40-50
Published : 2014

左右田謙 - 山庄殺人事件
法月綸太郎 - 黑色聖母
麻耶雄嵩 - 鄉愁
霞流一 - 駱駝殺人事件
大山誠一郎- 佳也子之屋為雪所覆


# of stories : 7
Edited by : 最推理雜誌
Pages: 285
Price : RM
Published : 2015

這一本是中國最推理雜誌出版, 雖然說是密室選集, 但真正算的上是密室的故事卻很少。

銀時 - 七日談
半壺秋水 - 大熊的推理筆记
軒弦 - 迷失的視點
吳誰 - 致命的平衡 
愛巧克力奶 - 出軌 
冷歌 - 賜予你的謀殺 
莊秦 - 候鳥族 


# of stories : 63
Edited by : Otto Penzler
Pages: 941
Price : RM104.5
Published : 2014/10

特點: 推理小說歷史裡最厚的不可能犯罪選集!整本書分為七個部份, 每一個部份都有一個不同的主題。 

FAMILAR AS THE ROSE IN THE SPRING (The most popular and frequent reprinted impossble-crime stories of all time)

Edgar Allan Poe - The Murders in the Rue Morgue  ** (也收錄於 Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries)
Jacques Futrelle - The Problem of Cell 13 **(也收錄於 Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries
Wilkie Collins -  A Terribly Strange Bed ** (也收錄於 Death Locked in
Lord Dunsany -  The Two Bottle of Relish
G.K. Chesterton - The Invisible Man **(也收錄於 Death Locked in)
Melville Davisson Post - The Doomdorf Mystery **(也收錄於 The Locked Room Reader) (也收錄於 The Mammoth Book of Locked-Rooms)
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Speckled Band **(也收錄於 Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries)

THIS WAS THE UNKINDEST CUT OF ALL (Stabbing in a completely seal environment appears to bet ]he most common murder method)

John Dickson Carr -  The Wrong Problem
William Hope Hodgson - The Thing Invisible  ** (也收錄於 Miraculous Mysteries)
James Yaffe - Department of Impossible Crimes
R. Austin Freeman - The Aluminum Dagger  ** (也收錄於 Miraculous Mysteries)
Gerald Kersh - The Crewel Needle
Stephen King - The Doctor's Case
Manly Wade Wellman - A Knife Between Brothers
Joseph Commings - The Glass Gravestone
Edgar Jepson & Robert Eustace - The Tea Leaf
Peter Godfrey -  The Flung-Back Lid **(也收錄於 Mammoth Book Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries)
John Lutz - The Crooked Picture
John Dickson Carr -  Blind Man's Hood

FOOTPRINTS IN THE SANDS OF TIME (Is there a more baffling scenario than to find a body in smooth sand or snow with no footprints leading to or from the victim? )

Edward D. Hoch - The Man from Nowhere
Fredric Brown - The Laughing Butcher
Michael Innes - The Sands of Thyme  ** (也收錄於 Miraculous Mysteries)
Samuel Hopkins Adams - The Flying Death
A.E. Martin - The Flying Corpse
Vincent Cornier - The Flying Hat

AND WE MISSED IT, LOST FOREVER  (It is a fantasy for many people to disappear from their present lives. Some people disappear because they want to; other disappear because someone else wants them to. And objects -- large objects -- sometimes disappear in the same manner)

Hugh Pentecost - The Day the Children Vanished **(也收錄於 All But Impossible!
Stanley Ellin - The Twelfth Statue
William Irish - All at Once, No Alice
Edmund Crispin - Beware of the Trains  ** (也收錄於 Miraculous Mysteries)
H.R.F. Keating - The Locked Bathroom 
Dashiell Hammett -  Mike, Alec and Rufus
C. Daly King - The Episode of the Torment IV
Julian Hawthorne  - Greaves' Disappearance
Ellery Queen - The House of Haunts
J.E. Gurdon - The Monkey Trick
E.C. Bentley - The Ordinary Hairpins
Jacques Futrelle - The Phantom Motor
Edward D. Hoch - The Theft of the Bermuda Penny
Judson Philips - Room Number Twenty-Three

HOW EASILY IS MURDER DISCOVERED  (There are so many ways for the creative killer to accomplish the act)

Lynn Wood Block & Lawrence Block -  The Burglar Who Smelled Smoke **(也收錄於 The Mammoth Book of Locked-Rooms)
Augustus Muir - The Kestar Diamond Case
Kate Ellis -  The Odor of Sanctity
Edward D. Hoch - The Problem of the Old Oak Tree
Nicholas Olde - The Invisible Weapon  ** (也收錄於 Miraculous Mysteries)
Ray Cummings - The Confession of Rosa Vitelli
Stephen Barr - The Locked Room to End Locked Rooms **(也收錄於 密室推理傑作選)

SHOOT IF YOU MUST  (It may not be terribly original, but shooting someone tends to be pretty effective. )

Clayton Rawson - Nothing Is Impossible ** (也收錄於 The Locked Room Reader)
Bill Pronzini - Where Have You Gone, Sam Spade
G.D.I. & M.I. Cole - In a Telephone Cabinet 
Stuart Towne - Death Out of Thin Air
Agatha Christie - The Dream
Margery Allingham - The Border-Line Case
Melville Davisson Post  - The Bradmoor Murder
Leslie Charteris - The Man Who Liked Toys
Hulbert Footner - The Ashcomb Poor Case
Georges Simenon - The Little House at Croix-Rousse **(也收錄於 All But Impossible!)

STOLEN SWEETS ARE BEST  (How does a #thief remove valuables from a closely guard room? It seems impossble, but...)

Erle Stanley Gardner - The Bird in the Hand
David Durham - The Gulverbury Diamonds
Frederick Irving Anderson -  The Fifth Tube
MacKinlay Kantor - The Strange Case of Steinkelwintz
Maurice Leblanc - Arsène Lupin in Prison
L.T. Meade - The Mystery of the Strong Room
Dennis Lynds - No Way Out
C. Daly King - The Episode of the Codex Curse

ONE MAN'S POISON, SIGNOR, IS ANOTHER'S MEAT  (Often described as a woman's murder weapon, poison doesn't really care who administer it)

Dorothy L. Sayers - The Poisoned Dow '08
Margaret Frazer - A Traveller's Tale
P.G. Wodehouse -  Death at the Excelsior

OUR FINAL HOPE IS FLAT DESPAIR  (Some stories simply can't be categorized)
Martin Edwards - Waiting for Godstow **(也收錄於 The Mammoth Book of Locked-Rooms)

# of stories : 17
Edited by : Martin Edwards
Pages: 350
Price : RM44
Published : 2017

這本是二零一七出版, 由英國作家,  Martin Edwards 主編, 收錄了十七個故事, 全都英國作者。 很多我連聽都沒聽過!

Arthur Conan Doyle  Lost Special ** (也收錄於 Death Locked in, 但故事名為 The Mystery of the Lost Special) 
William Hope Hodgson The Thing Invisible ** (也收錄於 The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries)
Sax Rohmer The Case of the Tragedies in the Greek Room
R. Austin Freeman The Aluminium Dagger ** (也收錄於 The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries)
G.K. Cheserton The Miracle of Moon Cresent
Nicholas Olde The Invisible Weapon ** (也收錄於 The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries)
Marten Cumberland The Diary of Death
Grenville Robbins The Broadcast Murder
Sapper The Music Room
Christopher St. John Sprigg Death at 8.30
G.D.H. and Margaret Cole Too Clever By Half
E. Charles Vivian Locked In
Dorothy L. Sayers The Haunted Policeman
Michael Innes The Sands of Thyme  (也收錄於 The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries)
Edmund Crispin Beware of the Trains (也收錄於 The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries)
Margery Allingham The Villa Marie Celeste


The Realm of Impossible

# of stories : 26
Edited by : John Pugmire & Brian Skupin
Pages: 430
Price : RM110.91
Published : 2017

這本是也是出版於二零一七。 特點:
1。 收錄了二十六個短篇
2。 十二篇真實的不可能犯罪記錄
3。 作品包括了世界各國,計有日本,台灣, 意大利, 什至還有印度作品。

話雖如此, 仔細一看, 所謂“世界各國作品”其實是指故事發生的所在國。 證據就是第十一個故事的“國家”是外太空。 😉

Paul Halter Jacob's Ladder (France) 
 Christianna Brand Cyanide in the Sun (United Kingdom)
Ulf Durling Windfall (Sweden)
Josef Skvorecky The Case of the Horizontal Trajectory (Czeh Republic)
Freeman Wills Crofts The Mystery of Sleeping-Car (Ireland)
Mary Fortune Dead Man in the Scrub (Australia)
Melville Davisson Post The Hidden Law (United States)
Alexandre Dumas House Call (France)
Jorge Luis Borges & Adolfo Bioy Casares The Twelve Figures of the World (Argentina)
Herodotus Rhampsinitos and the Thief (Greece)
Poul Anderson Martian Crown Jewels (Outer Space)**(也收錄於 All But Impossible!)
Dudley Hoys Leaving No Evidence (Lebanon)
Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay The Venom of the Tarantula (India)
Victor L .Whitechurch Sir Gilbert Murrell's Picture (United Kingdom)
林斯諺 The Miracle of Christmas Eve (China / Taiwan)
Aleksis Kivi Seven Brothers (extract) (Finland)
Afonso Carreiro Lying Dead and Turning Cold (Portugal)
Edward D. Hoch "The ""Impossible"" Impossible Crime" (Canada)
Elizabeth Peters The Locked Tomb Mystery (Egypt)
Samuel W. Taylor Deadfall (United States)
法月綸太郎 The Lure of the Green Door (Japan)
Pietro De Palma The Barese Mystery (Italy)
Jochen Fueseler The Witch Doctor's Reveange (Germany)
Charles B. Child All the Birds of the Air (Iraq)
L.T. Meade & Robert Esutace The Warder of the Door (Ireland)
島田莊司 The Locked House of Pythagoras (Japan)

The Book of Extraordinary Impossible Crimes AND Puzzling Deaths

# of stories : 18
Edited by : Maxim Jakubowski
Pages: 285
Price : RM92.17
Published : 2020

這本是2020出版, 再度由 Maxim Jakubowski 主編, 收錄了十八個故事。 看起來很多故事都是為這本選集而寫的, 也是很多陌生的作家。
其中由 John Grant 寫的故事, 在他交上稿子後的四十八個小時後心臓病而死。 
Martin Edwards The Locked Cabin
O'Nel De Noux It's Not What You Know
Amy Myers The Last Thing I Do
Keith Brooke By a Thread
Michael Bracken and Sandra Murphy Goobers
Ashley Lister Whatever Remains
Paul Charles The Golden Hour
Ber Vincent Expiration Date
Deryn Lake The Window
Eric Brown Gorrila Tactics
Jane Finnis The Golden Princess
John Grant The Case of the Impossible Suicides
David Quantick The Fire Inside
Rhys Hughes Menace in Venice
Christine Poulson The House By the Thames
L.C. Tyler Black's Last Case
Lavie Tidhar Killing Kiss

品脱猫 : 密室

# of stories : 5
Edited by : 華斯比
Pages: 235
Price : RM 51 ( 的價錢)
Published : 2021

這一本由中國的「人民文學出版社」出版, 收集都是裡專門攻不可能犯罪領域的作家。 

鷄丁 - 憎恶之锤
張淳 - 最后的瞬移魔法
阿元 - 日落瀛台
時晨 - 玻璃之家 
羅夏 - 冥王星密室事件

Golden Age Locked Room Mysteries 

# of stories : 14
Edited by : Otto Penzler
Pages: 492
Price : RM79.88
Published : 2022/07

這本書於二零二二七月出版, 價錢應該是馬幣八十左右,編輯者為 Otto Penzler , 現在更有 kindle 版, 才六塊美金一本。
英團員的 Martin Edwards 致力介紹英國作家, 而 Otto Penzler 就和他打對台, 致力於美國作家。 
Anthony Boucher - Elsewhen ** (也收錄於 Death Locked In) 
Fredric Brown  - Whistler's Murder
John Dickson Carr - The Third Bullet ** (也收錄於 Locked Room Puzzle)
Joseph Commings -  Fingerprint Ghost
Mignon Eberhart - The Calico Dog
Erle Stanley Gardner  - The Exact Opposite ** (也收錄於 Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries)
MacKinlay Kantor - The Light at Three O'Clock ** (也收錄於 Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries)
C. Daly King -  The Episode of the Nail and the Requiem ** (也收錄於 Mammoth Book Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries)
Stuart Palmer -  The Riddle of the Yellow Canary
Ellery Queen - The House of Haunts ** (也收錄於 The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room)
Clayton Rawson  - Off the Face of the Earth ** (也收錄於 Death Locked In 和 The Mammoth Book of Locked-Rooms)
Craig Rice - His Heart Could Break ** (也收錄於 The Locked Room Reader)
Manly Wade Wellman -  Murder Among Magicians
Cornell Woolrich -  Murder At the Automart ** (也收錄於 Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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