Friday, August 16, 2019

The Ghost Writing of Ellery Queen

有一陣子, Ellery Queen 之一的 Manfred Lee, 遇上了創作上的瓶頸 , 一個字都寫不出。 偏偏他的兒女也特別多,總共有八個!
在沒辦法下, 他和 Frederic Dannay 同意了找寫手利用 Ellery Queen 的名字來寫小說, 條件之一就是書中不准有 Ellery Queen 這個角色出現。 
當然這些作品基本上都良莠不齊!Francis M Nervis 形容這些作品大多數為 "barely readable" !!!

那天上 Amazon 找書時, 無意中發現除了正版 Ellery Queen 的電子書外, 連這些偽作品也有出版。 於是我又翻了一下那本 Ellery Queen The Art of Detection, 我記得其中一章有很詳細介紹這些作品, 而且還有他對每一本的評語。

整理了一下後, 就有了以下的表格。 看起來值得買只有四本:
Blow hot, blow cold
A room to die in
What's in the dark
Kiss and Kill.

Title Price Comment from Francis M Nevins Remark
Dead Man's Tale (1961) 9.99 Avoid Pocket book titles
Death Spins the Platter (1962) 9.99 Avoid Pocket book titles
*Murder with a Past (1963) 9.99 Avoid Pocket book titles
Wife or Death (1963) 9.99 Tightly plotted and told Pocket book titles
*Kill as Directed (1963) 9.99 Avoid Pocket book titles
The Golden Goose (1964) 9.99 Avoid Pocket book titles
*The Four Johns (1964) 9.99 Avoid Pocket book titles
*Blow Hot, Blow Cold (1964) 9.99 Complex manipulation of evidence with iron logic Pocket book titles
The Last Score (1964) 9.99 Hard boiled Pocket book titles
Beware the Young Stranger (1965) 7.99 No comment Pocket book titles
A Room to Die in (1965) 9.99 Clever locked room Pocket book titles
The Killer Touch (1965) 9.99 No comment Pocket book titles
The Copper Frame (1965) 9.99 Better than many EQ paperback Pocket book titles
The Devil's Cook (1966) 9.99 Poorly plotted Pocket book titles
The Madman Theory (1966) 9.99 No comment Pocket book titles
The Campus Murders (1969) 9.99 D rating Troubleshooter series
The Black Hearts Murder (1970) 9.99 Plot is simple and climax awkwardly staged Troubleshooter series
The Blue Movie Murders (1972) 9.99 Troubleshooter series
Where Is Bianca (1966) 9.99 Flat writing & weak plotting Tim Corrigan Series
Who Spies, Who Kills (1966) 9.99 Barely competent in plot and telling Tim Corrigan Series
Why So Dead? (1966) 9.99 Flat writing & weak plotting Tim Corrigan Series
How Goes the Murder? (1967) 9.99 Lack distinction in its flat writing, simple plotting Tim Corrigan Series
Which Way to Die? (1967) 9.99 Huge advance of the first four Tim Corrigan Series
What's in the Dark? (1968) 9.99 Surprised solution marked by strict fairness Tim Corrigan Series
The Black Dog Mystery (1942) 5.38 Juvenile Mysteries
The Golden Eagle Mystery (1942) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Green Turtle Mystery (1944) 5.38 Juvenile Mysteries
The Red Chipmunk Mystery (1946) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Brown Fox Mystery (1948) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The White Elephant Mystery (1950) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Yellow Cat Mystery (1952) 6.29 Juvenile Mysteries
The Blue Herring Mystery (1954) 5.38 Juvenile Mysteries
The Purple Bird Mystery (1966) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Black Dog Mystery (1942) 5.38 Juvenile Mysteries
The Golden Eagle Mystery (1942) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Green Turtle Mystery (1944) 5.38 Juvenile Mysteries
The Red Chipmunk Mystery (1946) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Brown Fox Mystery (1948) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The White Elephant Mystery (1950) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Yellow Cat Mystery (1952) 6.29 Juvenile Mysteries
The Blue Herring Mystery (1954) 5.38 Juvenile Mysteries
The Mystery of Merry Magician 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Mystery of the Vanished Victim 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
The Purple Bird Mystery (1966) 6.99 Juvenile Mysteries
Losers, Weepers (1966) 9.99 Narrative is bright and moves at fine, fast pace Dell titles
Shoot the Scene (1966) 9.99 No comment Dell titles
Kiss and Kill (1969) 9.99 Impossible to put down unfinished Dell titles
Guess Who's Coming to Kill You? (1968) 9.99 Lancer Non Series
A Study in Terror 7.99 Not what SH + EQ could have added up Lancer Non Series

我手頭上其實是有幾本這些偽作品, 其中一本正是 "Blow hot, blow cold" ,

因此只需要買三本就行了。 但價錢看起可不便宜, 要整九塊美金一本, 好貴!!

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